Fill out the form or contact us by email or phone.


Include the name of the product you wish to sell, its manufacturer, the quantity available for sale and any additional relevant information.


We will make you an offer that you are then free to accept or not.


What kinds of chemicals do you handle?

We buy chemicals in powder, semi-liquid or liquid form. We can handle bags, super sacks, drums, totes or bulk packaging.

What information do you need from me?

We require a product’s generic and/or trademark name, the quantity available for sale as well the manufacturer’s name. The more data and documents you can provide us (including, for example, certificates of analysis), the faster we can present you with an offer. Please include any pictures of the product that you might have, as it will help our team evaluate the condition of the packaging.

How long will it take before I receive an offer?

For products or commodity chemicals with multiple potential users, you will receive an offer from us within a few days. For products with more limited applications or potential buyers, we might need up to a few weeks before we can send you an offer. We are, however, committed to responding to every offer we receive and will follow up with you quickly.


What about confidentiality?

All of our transactions are confidential. When we sell a product, we provide all the technical information about the product and its manufacturer but we never tell which company had that surplus product in their inventory. We will remove your company name from all of the product’s shipping or handling documents. We will also remove any label that mentions your company from its packaging. Your company name and confidential data are therefore protected at all time. We are committed to protecting your sensitive information throughout our dealings and for the entire duration of the product’s life cycle.

Can we sign a confidentiality agreement?

Yes. We often sign confidentiality agreements which ensure that Stobec will never disclose to the final consignee the name of the product’s previous owner and that any information connecting your company to the product being transacted will be removed from all documents, labels, certificates of analysis and more.


Is there a minimum purchase value?

Yes, our team must be able to cover freight, analysis and other related expenses and keep our offer to the final consignee significantly lower than market value. To justify a product’s resale, it must be worth the effort. As a general guideline, each surplus product we move usually has a minimal value of 10 000 $.

What buying price can I expect?

We base our purchase offer on a product’s quantity, age, available documentation and physical location. On average, you can expect a typical offer to range between 10–50% of a product’s current market value.

Do I have to pay a commission, a service fee or any freight charges?

No. There are no fees involved with evaluating and listing your surplus chemicals with Stobec. If you accept our purchase offer, we’ll pick up the goods directly at your location and we’ll handle all freight charges from there. You do not need to pay any commission or service fee.


Can you handle hazardous chemicals?

Our team is fully trained to handle hazardous chemicals. Stobec complies with all applicable domestic and international safety and transportation regulations and procedures.

Do you buy partial containers and laboratory chemicals?

We prefer not to purchase or sell any partial container or laboratory chemical because of product quality concerns.

Can you handle damaged drums or bags?

If needed, Stobec will deal with companies specializing in repackaging damaged containers and reprocessing caked materials.