Nom générique :

Acide Sulfurique Usée 91%, Eau 9%

Fabricant :


Quantité :

100 000 kgs

Emballage :

40 000 kgs par semaine, en vrac

# de lot :

Disponible sur demande

CAS # :


Apparence :

Liquide huileux foncé

Date de fabrication :


Détails :

Applications: Fertilizer, Chemical Industries, Neutralization of bases. Our process entails reacting an insoluble styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer with 98% sulphuric acid. Since we use an excess of sulphuric acid, we obtain a spent stream of approximately 91 % sulphuric acid equal in volume to the 98% acid used originally. This acid has been used in manufacture of superphosphate hydrofluoric acid and granulated fertilizers. It has also been used to neutralize alkaline waste streams prior to their biological oxidation. It contains no heavy metals nor any known toxic components. No priority pollutants have been detected.